Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Geography home work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Geography home work - Essay Example Social media took five years to be accepted and be the most used means of communication and lifestyle by college students replacing mainstream means of accessing information, communication, and interaction. 3. I adopted the use of social media very early in the S-curve owing to the widespread of its use and that it was a new innovation while I was a late adopter on the use of computers in social networking and communication owing to low financial liquidity. 5. The diffusion of AIDS in the United States follows an S-Curve diffusion pattern as reflected in the changes in the rates of prevalence according to region and the reduction in new infections in recent years. 6. The main reason for New York, Miami, and LA/SF were the high rates of drug abuse that allowed the use of and sharing of needles, social status and sexual habits that promoted having unprotected sex and high population density as they are urban regions and it was the main areas where AIDS began then spread. 12. The characteristics that determine if a phenomenon will diffuse hierarchically of contagiously include the mode of contamination for example direct contact for a disease or means of transfer of ran innovation, the source of the phenomenon and the ability to be transferred through relocation or migration to new areas. 14. I would apply my knowledge of spatial diffusion through development of products for different age brackets that will be transferred through relocation and expansion diffusion when one has the product or listens to the music through correspondence and migration to different areas with them. There are several instances where the Middle East and the American Southwest have differed especially on policies on terrorism, religion, and democracy. Muslim oppression, independence, and traditional cultures being impended by globalization of western culture are some of the reasons for the bombing of World Trade Center and Pentagon by Muslim terrorists. Despite these

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